A New Relationship; You + Food = Love

Do You Want To Be Part Of Diet Culture? 

What Can You Choose Instead?

 Diet culture supports:

  • People are good or bad based on their body size

  • Food is healthy or unhealthy and will make you fat or thin

  • A way of eating that is dictated by numbers, rules and restrictions

  • A world where physical appearance dictates how successful and accepted someone will be

  • Shame around food choices and creates stress around eating

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 Moving away from Diet Culture means:

  • Supporting each unique body exactly where they are at

  • Celebrating our beautiful bodies in all shapes and sizes

  • Teaching intuitive eating where we learn to listen to our bodies and eat foods based on our needs in that moment

  • Creating a healthy relationship with food

Let’s support, celebrate, teach and create together

For a more balanced way of being with ourselves and with food.

The Void- Navigating the space created when you eliminate structure and control

Once you have moved away from diet culture there may be a void. Be aware of the need to fill this void and choose consciously how you want to fill it. Here are some examples of voids and choices you can make to fill them in a balanced way;

  •  If you are used to counting calories- try counting the number of times you chew. You can count the number of colours you include in a meal. You could count the amount of breaths you take while eating a meal.

  • If you are used to weighing yourself-we challenge you to put the scale out of sight, so it is not a temptation. Try finding a great pair of jeans that fits you just perfectly right now. Use these jeans AND how you feel in your own skin as a gage for healthy weight maintenance. 

  • If you have negative self-talk about your body-write a message of self-love on your mirror. These mirror message don’t have to be something you believe all the time right now but something that you want to believe. Message are written in the present tense. Examples are I am strong, I am beautiful, I am healthy, I am grounded. 

Now you are ready to develop a new positive relationship with food!

 The best way to honour this new relationship is;

Mindful Eating

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  • Take a breath or two when you sit down at the table. This reminds our body that we are not running from a tiger and that it is safe to eat. We can then be prepared to absorb the most nutrients from our food.

  • Bring all your senses to the meal. Look at the colours of the foods, take a moment to smell the food before you taste it.

  • Chew thoroughly. You stomach does not have teeth. The more you can break down your food in your mouth, the more you are benefiting optimal digestion and absorption. 

  • Eat slowly. If you can, try putting down your utensils between bites. This allows time for our body to send us the full signal. It can take 20 minutes for our brain to get the signal that we are full. If you are tempted by seconds, wait 20 minutes before getting that second helping.

  • Put down the phone!! When you are eating focus on eating. We are not getting any nutrition from Facebook or Instagram

  • Be aware of your own hunger signals. Are you eating for hunger or from an emotional place? It is be okay to gain comfort from food, as long as it is done mindfully. 

Wellness is a journey

Be kind

Be patient and be prepared to ride the waves as they come.


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I am here to support you on this journey.

Book Now to begin your wellness journey.

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