Toasted Chickpeas

Toasted Chickpeas




1.   Well cooked and rinsed dried chickpeas. You can use canned but they don’t get as crunchy. 

2.  Spices (can make them sweet with cinnamon, nutmeg and coconut sugar or savoury with salt, chilli powers, garlic or other spices)



1.   Rinse chickpeas well, spread on cooking tray to dry for 30 minutes. You can dry them with a clean tea towel to speed up this process. 

2.  Place on baking sheet with avocado oil or coconut oil (ensure that oils is safe for cooking at high temperatures)

3. Add your choice of seasoning (my favourites are just simple sea salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder or Chilli powder), toast until crispy at 350 in oven (usually about 20-40 minutes depending how wet chickpeas are) 

3.  Enjoy hot or cold. Store in an air tight glass container


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